About Me

I'm an absolute die hard Phillies fan who attends Temple University (freshman). If you see me walking around campus, I advise you to look for my neck beard, its vicious. Basically i started this blog to get my ideas about sports out in the public and to maybe give people a little information that i have that maybe you wouldnt know. Whether you agree with me or, not thats fine. All I ask is that you read with an open mind and that you give me feedback. We journalists thrive on feedback from our readers.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is This Really OK?

This is supposedly a Tampa Bay Rays fan getting hit in the head with a bottle during the celebration of the Phillies winning the World Series.

And I'm sure you've all seen the clips of people breaking into the Robinson Luggage store on Broad Street just to steal the luggage and set it on fire. The real question here is are we supposed to allow this to go on? Is destroying public property right after winning the World Series? Are we just happy celebrators, or in those moments, did we turn into a malicious mob with utter disregard for the laws that society bases itself on. Decide for yourself.

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